Hi to everyone out there in quilting land. It’s that time again for a quick chat and catch-up. I’ve been a busy bee developing a blog that will work hand in hand with the Quilting site at Bellaonline. Often I find myself telling you all about the goings on here in Brisbane, but not able to show photos. So that’s what the blog is all about.
This week I’ve been sewing up a storm to get the two baby quilts completed, that I’m making for my GP. They have two doctors who are expecting soon and I was asked to make some quilts. I made matching pillowcases to hold the quilts and also added washing instructions. I’ve asked that payment be in the form of a donation to Sunshine Linus. We’re always looking for funds to purchase batting for our quilters, and this is a great way to receive the necessary means.
I have posted photos of the quilts on my blog. Oh, and I thought you might like a photo of my darling Cadbury. (He who gets into rat poison at the most inappropriate times!). So here’s the link to my new blog: http://whenlifehandsyouscraps.blogspot.com.au/
Yesterday was a huge day – A fellow judge and I judged a quilt show that is being held here over the weekend. Boy, were we tired at the end. The quilts were very good and at times very difficult to pick the best in some categories. We are always mindful that each and every quilt has been made by someone who has put their heart and soul into their quilt.
Quilt Judges endeavour to always give each individual quilt and Quiltmaker, the respect they deserve. As always, picking the Best of Show is a biggie, and we were lucky that each of the first prize quilts were hung for us, to enable us to make that decision. After every judging session, I always come away fully inspired and keen to get my head down and creating again.
I received an iPad from my darling and have been spending a bit of time on it. Thought you might like to have a browse of some of the free Quilting apps that are currently available. Here’s the link to the article I posted last Sunday: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art177796.asp
We’ve had some interesting comments on the Quilting forum about making Christmas gifts for this year. Thanks to those quilters who gave us an insight into what they’re planning to do. Here’s the link to the forum: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/779770/What_are_you_making_for_Xmas_p#Post779770
Here’s a selection of little sites you might be interested in browsing this week. I always try to pick a variety of subjects that might interest you. Have fun!
http://madetotreasure.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-sew-easy-reversible-table-runner.html a reversible Christmas Table Runner
http://rosmademe.blogspot.com/2011/08/days-of-wine-glasses-and-roses-flower.html this is a very sweet flower tutorial
http://www.freshlemonsquilts.com/?p=1373 a tutorial for sewing Y seams
http://www.infarrantlycreative.net/2010/03/custom-bean-bags.html custom bean bags to make for your children
http://erinerickson.com/2010/03/little-dog-seat-belts/ I have a friend who tells me these are essential when travelling in the car with your pooch.
http://fun.kyti.me/?p=3814 sewing kit in a jar
http://scraphacker.com/sarah-frost/ a very different use of the computer keyboard
http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/2011/05/03/hand-stitched-vogue-covers/ a vogue magazine cover like no other
http://withonehandwavingfree.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/diy-paper-clip-earrings/ earrings to make with simple left over floss and paper clips
http://onethousandprojects.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/sewing-along.html here’s a great little pincushion tutorial for the absolute beginner
Well, dear readers, that’s all I’ve got for you this week. I hope this newsletter comes to you at a time when you can pour yourself a cuppa and have a little bit of “me” time. So till next week, stay well and happy.
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
Email me at: quilting@bellaonline.com
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