appalachia Newsletter


December 5 2012 Appalachia Newsletter

Greetings to all folks near and far.

Oh! the joys of home grown squash. I have a very special recipe for you today and I just know you will love it!

Here is my latest article from the Appalachia site at -- a wonderful recipe for an old time favorite in southern Appalachia.

Candy Roaster Squash Pie - Recipe
The Cherokee people of southern Appalachia came across the seeds in trade and developed the Candy Roaster into what is today's cultivated, and prized favorite, of southern Appalachia cooking.

If you have favorite recipes for Candy Roasters, I would love to have you share them with us in the forum. I make a good Sweet Potato Pie, and I bet the Candy Roaster would be a good substitute for the sweet potatoes in my recipe.

For great tips on how to harvest and store squash, visit eHow at

My mother often told me that her father stored his harvested potatoes and squash in the ground. He dug deep holes about 3 feet in diameter and placed straw on the bottom. He then would layer the potatoes or squash, not touching each other and cover with more straw. He kept this layering pattern till the hole was filled, with straw on top, then soil and a few large rocks as markers. Mama said they had potatoes and squash available all winter long.

Did you know that if a pregnant woman plants seeds in the garden, that everything in that garden will thrive? That is a very old folklore belief -- and who knows, unless they try it? It probably works!

Till next time, may all your seeds grow to perfection. Walk in peace and harmony.

Please visit for even more great content about Appalachia.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Phyllis Doyle Burns, Appalachia Editor

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