asp Newsletter


September 24 2015 ASP Newsletter

How is your ASP world going? I admit that many of my sites are migrating to WordPress mostly for the responsive design aspect. I do still have many that I hand code in Notepad but I'm finding it more and more time consuming. What is your world up to?

Happy Autumn Equinox!

The Autumn Equinox issue of Mused is now live. This is the final issue of our eighth full year! It's just stunning. This next Winter issue will be the first of our ninth season!! Thank you all so much for your support.

The issue is spectacular. There are just amazing stories and poems in this. It is heartwarming how many high quality artists trust us with their works.

Here is the issue -

We would love to hear your thoughts on it - and we would love to see your submissions for the upcoming Winter issue! Share the news!

Halloween Cozy Mystery
Last October I wrote a short story a day from Oct 1 to Oct 31. It's a series of mysteries set in Salem, Massachusetts and the theme is a black cat. I just finally bundled them into a single complete ebook! I'd love to get some reviews on it so I can market it for the Halloween season. If you'd be interested in a free review copy, let me know which format (PDF EPUB MOBI) and I'll send that out to you! All proceeds from this series benefit a Salem battered women's shelter.

Have a great week!

Lisa Shea, ASP Editor

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