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Atheist / Agnostic

February 16 2008 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

The Atheist/ Agnostic Newsletter

Friday -  15 February  2008

Currently at BellaOnline

"Most of us have seen Vitruvian Man before" according to Diana Blake. That's certainly true of doctors, who encounter da Vinci's famous drawing as an illustration in countless medical textbooks and journals. I was fascinated to read about it at last.

The article's one of many worthwhile attractions at the Art History site. Take a look. It doesn't hurt that Diana's a superb writer.

On the Internet

It's hard to pick up a newspaper today without running into some mention of Creationism (or its current disguise as "Intelligent Design"). The recent court case in Dover, Pennsylvania was just the latest salvo in their neverending assault on reason. 

Would you believe that other countries have it worse than we do?  To read about Turkey's  experience with fundamentalist opponents of evolution, take a look at this July report by Nicholas Birch at The Independent online!

In the A/A Forum

We have a number of interesting threads going, including one on Animal Rights.

I'm working on keeping my oar out of the water, so come and voice your opinion!

This Week's A/A Article

One of the perennial problems of conventional theistic religions is unanswered prayer.

"God and the Titanic"

AJ Hill - Editor



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