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Atheist / Agnostic

February 23 2008 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

The Atheist/ Agnostic Newsletter

Friday - 22 February  2008

Currently at BellaOnline

BellaOnline's got an "Animal Life" site!  

Most of you who've seen my posts in the A/A Forum understand that animal rights is an important issue for me.  Samantha Black, the Animal Life Editor, doesn't neglect it. However, her site's about animal life in general and she doesn't neglect the rest of her topic either. 

 How's she manage?  Don't ask me!  I have enough trouble managing my little page!

If you like animals, you'll like Animal Life !

On the Internet

I need to warn you about this week's website: Don't go there, unless you've got some time to spare!

Religious Tolerance is the on-line voice of Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

It's also one of the most interesting, appealing, and thoroughly admirable websites I've ever visited. The people who post on this site are the kind of folks that you invite to dinner, when your other guests include Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Ghandi, and Albert Einstein.

They give religion a good name!

In the A/A Forum

I'm going to post at for a few days.

Most of the people on that website are right-wing nuts, but at least they've got something to say!

Maybe I'll learn what I'm doing wrong.

This Week's A/A Article

If you talk much about religion, then you've probably run into Pascal's Wager. Here's my take on it.

A.J. Hill



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