atheist Newsletter

Atheist / Agnostic

February 29 2008 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

Currently at BellaOnline

Three successive surprises for me this week: BellaOnline has a Poetry Section; it's really good; and it currently has no Editor!  Whoever had the site before did a bang-up job. The articles on Robert Burns are fascinating. If you agree with me that Burns is one of the world's premier poets - or even if you don't - it's well worth a visit. And no Editor! If I'd known, I might have gone for this instead of Atheist/Agnostic. (If you think my opinions about religion are strong, it's only because we haven't discussed poetry!) 

Anybody out there?

On the Internet

Those of you who've read my articles are already aware of  One way or the other, if you're a nonbeliever and you care about where we're all going, you need to visit this site. It's impressive, well run, "professional" and it's way, way out there!  These are the people who want to change your world and not necessarily for the better: Coulter, Hanson, Gallagher, Prager, Medved, Hewitt ...  They're all here.

If you think the columnists are extreme, try dipping into the Comments; but brace yourself. Some of the people who post here will make you want to put extra locks on your doors!

It's funny, it's bizarre, it's very scary! This week's "assignment" is to explore the strange universe of the radical right at

 In the A/A Forum

Lisa has introduced a very interesting thread about the current trend for young people to leave the traditional faiths of their families. I'm just watching this one!

An ongoing mystery: lots of visitors to the A/A Forum , but not many opinions voiced.  I hope it'll change. Atheists and agnostics are among the most interesting and inventive people - They have to be! - and they're not usually shy.

To those of you who've already contributed your thoughts, thank you! 

This Week's A/A Article

As a former researcher, I get angry at people who don't respect science, people who fake it in order to advance political or religious agendas.

The Discovery Institute is the premier center for phony, misleading "science" in the United States. Tobacco-funded "science" has been discredited by Congressional investigations. Petro-funded "science" is doomed by the realities of oil depletion and global warming. But the Creationists are still going strong.

And don't be fooled. Behind their elaborate facade, the folks at The Discovery Institute are a bunch of Creationists.

They're clever, well educated (yes!), and well funded. Their primary goal is to capture the keys to the future - the hearts and minds of our children!

You need to know who these people are!

A.J. Hill



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