atheist Newsletter

Atheist / Agnostic

March 20 2011 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Atheist / Agnostic site at


Hope all is well.
If you read last week's "glossary" article, are there any of the definitions that you disagree with? Are there any terms that you would like to see added as I could always add to those already there?
I am thinking for next week about doing an article about "what/who is a "free thinker and are they really thinking freely" or one on "what is or isn't hypocritical" or if I am truly thinking freely on something else...
Are there any topics that you would like to see addressed in the future?- if so please email me and let me hear what you are thinking.
Here is hoping that you read and enjoy this week's ethics focussed article.

The Meaning of Life is Life, No More and No Less
If one believes that the meaning of life is life, no more and no less, one can choose a couple of paths to follow. Which of these paths is potentially the most meaningful and the most rewarding? It all depends on what is in the air that you breathe.

Please visit for even more great content about Atheist / Agnostic.

To participate in free, hopefully thoght provoking and interesting online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Atheist/Agnostic located here - There are currently five ongoing forums. There is one called "Random Thoughts" that I plan to keep going infinitely and it would definitely be enhanced if you added some of your random or otherwise "thoughts." There is also a forum titled the same as this week's "meaning" article and one reader posted a very eloquent reply to the article about a friend who had a highly developed personal moral/value system.
Why the heck do you think that some so-called believers think that agnostics/atheists/other so-called non-believers do not have their own system of ethics? Religion is not the only path to morality, is it?

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message.

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all appreciate free (thinking)information!

Les Shulman, Atheist / Agnostic and Mexico Editor

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