biology Newsletter


January 4 2007 Biology Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Three (almost four) days into 2007, and I am still formalizing my new year's resolutions. As friends have shared their resolutions with me, and I've heard about the most popular resolutions in the news and on the radio, I have to wonder... what kinds of resolutions would plants, animals, or even organs or cells make? Here are some of my ponderings.

* Save Money: Squirrels aren't just stocking up on nuts this, but are cosidering their 401ks and IRAs as important plans for retirement.

* Lose Weight: Blubber-rich sea mammals are looking to tone down this year, what with global warming and all, they really can't argue necessity anymore.

* Pay Off Debt: Cloned plants and animals are endebted to their genetic mother, and many seek to break the cycle by natural reproduction.

* Get a Better Job: The ants of the world are tired of plowing the soil one grain at a time.

* Get Fit: The heart is the hardest working organ in the body, and continues is daily workout regimen in an attempt to get and stay fit.

* Eat Right: Koalas, with their current diet of eucalyptus tree leaves, are seeking to eat a wider array of fruits and vegetables.

* Quit Smoking Now: We might expect this is a mandate from the earth to all the f actories and cars burning fuels.

* Reduce Stress at Work: Bacteria face life-threatening challenges on a daily basis, and resolve to evolve as fast as possible to stay on top of their game.

* Take a Trip: Exotic species around the world await opportunities to take a trip to new locals where they can settle.

* Volunteer to Help Others: The selfish gene has decided a little philanthropy might benefit its ability to pass on genetic material.

* Drink Less Alcohol: The crooked palm tree in my neighbor's yard is vowing to straighten up.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all can attain your gaols and desires in the new year and beyond.


Here's the latest article from the Biology site at

Prairie Grass : An important ecosystem and fuel
Prairie grass grown in studies for potential sources of ethanol proves to be worhty as a fuel as well as a habitat for birds and wildlife. America's energy independence might just lead us to restore our natural heritage.


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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Alegra Bartzat, Biology Editor

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