biology Newsletter


May 4 2011 Biology Newsletter


I'm hoping that this week's newsletter finds all my readers happy and healthy!

Imagine how your life would be changed if the Smallpox virus had not been eradicated. Imagine how a huge public celebration like the recent British Royal Wedding could easily have resulted in a world-wide smallpox epidemic if only one or two people attending had been infected by the disease!

This week's article covers the development of the Smallpox vaccine, the eradication of the disease and the risks we still might face if the remaining laboratory samples were somehow developed into a weapon of terroristm.

Here's the latest article from the Biology site at

Smallpox - Vaccination, Eradication and Terrorism
Smallpox, one of the most devastating diseases known to humanity, has now been completely eradicated. How did this happen, and what are the dangers to mankind now that only laboratory samples of the virus exist?

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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Deborah Watson-Novacek, Biology Editor

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