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Blogs / Social Networking

December 5 2008 Blogs / Social Networking Newsletter

Here are the latest articles from the Blogs / Social Networking site at both are about the controversial *Magpie* program that has the Twitter community up in arms.

Also, some hot forum links and a PS with a free offer for an easy-to-use blog planner/calendar, along with a free action-oriented Buzz Topics report for bloggers with writer's block.

Whether You Should Sign Up for Magpie - or Not!
Magpie has stirred up both resentment and hope among the Twitter community. Will anyone make money off this potentially offensive commercial service?

Guest Article - Why I am NOT Using Magpie
Dan Florio takes the moral high ground and explains why he removed himself from the controversial Twitter third party commercial service called Magpie.

Hot Forum Topics -
What application do you use with Twitter? Tweetdeck, Twirl, the Twitter Home page, or something else? Are you happy with it?

Do you Use Digg or StumbleUpon for blog discovery and article promotion?

***Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who is just getting started with blogging, or who wants to learn from behind the scenes about worldwide the implications of the Blogosphere (ie - the subculture of blogs and social media)! ***

Jill Florio, Blogs / Social Networking Editor
PS - Here is this week's freebie: Grab a copy of the Blog Energizer Blog Planner & Calendar at ...this link also includes access to the free special report for "12 Buzz Topics You Should Blog About Right Now." Make sure you sign up for the notification list, so you can get the Blog Energizer Buzz Report, the Blog Planner, the Blog Calendar and other upcoming goodies. It’s definitely worthwhile and all free.

PPS - The Planner and Calendar are excellent tools for you to print out and use to build your own blog and better manage your time. I love freebies!

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