buddhism Newsletter


November 21 2013 Buddhism Newsletter

Hi all,

Here are two articles for you so far this month. First, in honor of U.S. Thanksgiving next week:

Buddhist Perspectives on Gratitude
The Buddha often spoke of gratitude and the importance of giving thanks in our lives. In this article learn several different Buddhist perspectives on gratitude and gratitude practice.

Second, an exploration of a topic that I find often comes up when discussing Buddhism with those unfamiliar with it:

Is Buddhism an Atheist Religion?
The term 'atheist religion' might seem like an oxymoron, but to many it applies to Buddhism, as it does not posit a supreme being or creator, and yet on the outside it may appear to have many of the 'trappings' of a religion. Learn more about the various views on this in this article.

I look forward to your thoughts in the forum!

And for those of you interested, I will be offering a special Solstice-themed meditation through the site Meditate Like a Girl on December 12th. Look for information forthcoming there soon:

In closing, here is another Buddhist take on gratitude, and on practice being the ultimate expression of gratitude for this precious human life:

"Continuous practice, day after day, is the most appropriate way of expressing gratitude. This means that you practice continuously, without wasting a single day of your life, without using it for your own sake. Why is it so? Your life is a fortunate outcome of the continuous practice of the past. You should express your gratitude immediately."
– Dogen (Kazuako Tanahashi, trans.)

In Gratitude,

Lisa Erickson, Buddhism Editor

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