civilrights Newsletter

Civil Rights

June 17 2006 Civil Rights Newsletter

Thank you for subscribing to the Civil Rights Newsletter published by BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area (the well-known corner of the web where EVERYONE can discuss civil rights civilly, where EVERYONE can find resources and links to articles and sites that deal with cutting edge civil rights issues in many areas of daily living, and where EVERYONE is a member of a family where (wo)men can discuss hot topics of the day without having to worry that it is “off limits” in polite company)!

What‘s New?

Once again we firmly have our finger posted on the national pulse. In Amnesty and More Political Double-Talk we continue to marvel at the rhetoric that both sides on the issue are wanting American citizens, immigrants, and those contemplating immigration to swallow. How low can you go?

This Month In Civil Rights History

On June 17th, 1871 the lawyer, school principal, songwriter and poet James W. Johnson was born. He was instrumental in shaping the Harlem Renaissance and he influenced a whole generation of artists.

Civil Rights Trivia Game

Last time we asked the question: Francis Scott Key, the author of the 'Star Spangled Banner', received his inspiration when seeing a certain heroic feat in which war?
The Answer: The War of 1812
We have a winner! Congratulations once again to Marianne Kinney who answered correctly! Who knows, you might be the winner this time!

If you know the answer, please e-mail me. All who answer correctly, will see their names published in the next newsletter. (Sorry, no other tangible prizes yet!)

Here goes: Can you name three United States presidents who were assassinated while in office?

Civil Rights News You Can Use

The First Amendment is still a beautiful thing, but when has it superseded common sense? Where are the parents who used to wash out their kids’ mouths with soap when they used inappropriate language? Where are the elders who would tell kids (not necessarily their own) to “knock it off” when they overheard them use language that is designed to denigrate? Instead, we now have panel discussions on the use of the “n-word” and actually have some folks who are trying to tell us that it is now a term of endearment. Read and be amazed ... Panel Discusses Evolution of N-Word in NYC.

Featured Book Of The Month

FROM THE PUBLISHER: “Whatever It Takes is a wide-ranging and highly entertaining read, in which Congressman J. D. Hayworth exposes the ongoing battle where terrorists seek ways to exploit our porous borders and attack our homeland as well as the hypocrisy, greed, and political correctness that could literally destroy our nation."
Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security
Whatever It Takes: Illegal Immigration, Border Security

Musing Of The Month

" Language can only deal meaningfully with a special, restricted segment of reality. The rest, and it is presumably the much larger part, is silence." (George Steiner, American Critic & Novelist)

Be sure to visit BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area for even more great content about Civil Rights. To participate in fun online discussions, this site has a bulletin board all about Civil Rights that you can visit!

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either on the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

BTW, feel free to pass this message along to family and friends!

Sylvia Cochran, Civil Rights Editor
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