cleaning Newsletter


November 19 2007 Cleaning Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!

For almost three years I have been writing for BellaOnline as the Cleaning Editor. It's been so much fun to write about such an under-appreciated topic as cleaning. During that time, my Red Lotus Letter feng shui ezine has grown and so has my syndicated newspaper column, Living Space and it's accompanying ezine, Real Home Ezine. Both have grown to the point that I have not been able to dedicate as much time to BellaOnline as I would like.

Because of this, I am no longer going to be writing the cleaning newsletter or cleaning site for BellaOnline. Thank you so much for sticking with me for so long. It's been great talking with you from time to time and sharing my life with you. I wish you all the best for the New Year that's quickly approaching and thank you for reading. It's been a pleasure and an honor.

If you're interested in keeping up with me, my information is below. But, keep cleaning! Have a wonderful holiday season. God bless us all.

With warm regards,

Kathryn Weber

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