cleaning Newsletter


August 29 2006 Cleaning Newsletter


Did you wonder if I took the summer off? I sort of did. Actually, in the middle of July, I went roller skating with my son’s Cub Scout troop and broke my wrist – in three places. I guess that’s one way to get out of working if you’re a writer!

This was a tough summer. I had a hard cast on for six weeks and it was very painful to type or do housework. I was grateful for the cast because the doctor told me that it looked like I needed surgery, but after a CAT scan, all I needed was some time off for my right arm.

So, can you imagine what my house looked like? It was dusty and it was dirty, but I could do some picking up and that kind of thing with my left hand. It wasn’t anywhere close to being a pristine job, but this is the benefit of keeping a clean house to begin with: if it’s reasonably clean most of the time, when an emergency hits, you can handle the time away from cleaning.

Fortunately, I got my cast off last week and I am doing so much better. The best part? Showering without having to hold my arm above my head to keep my cast from getting wet!

Now... I have an admission to make. Even I make cleaning mistakes.

While I was recuperating, I got a spot on a white shirt. Because I didn’t have two good hands to scrub the spot out with OxiClean like I normally would, I decided to take a short cut. I dipped a q-tip into bleach to try and bleach the spot out. Actually, there were three small spots. What did I get? A beautiful white shirt with three large yellow circles. A Bellonline Cleaning reader and newsletter subscriber wrote about the same time with a similar dilemma – she had overbleached a load of whites and all her garments turned yellow.

This week’s Bellaonline Cleaning article tackles this very subject: how to handle yellowed whites. So, don’t throw out those clothes you thought were beyond saving. Rit, the maker of fabric dyes, has a product for removing yellow stains from bleaching and a product that will remove yellowing from whites due to age, being stored, etc. But hurry! We only have a little time left to treat those white fabrics and clothes before the summer is over and they’re put away for the winter.

Happy Cleaning and have a wonderful Labor Day Holiday!

Kathryn Weber, Cleaning Editor

Write to me! I love to hear from you. Is there an article you'd like to read, a subject you'd like me to tackle? Let me know.

Here's the latest article from the Cleaning site at

Overbleaching -- How to Remove Yellow Stains on White Clothing
What to do when you apply bleach directly to stains on white clothes and you get yellow stains from the bleach.

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