exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

February 13 2011 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Happy Valentines Day!
This is my favorite day of the week, the opportunity to say hi to my exotic pet colleagues. Without your motivation and all the input you have provided this site could never have been as successful as it is.

Exotic Pets BellaOnline is a site in which I take great pride. Together we are accomplishing great things, teaching others about exotic pets, and hopefully teaching people that don't understand exotic pets, who try to influence exotic pet ownership laws, the truth about exotic pets. Foremost, educating people, before they acquire an exotic pet to the animals proper care.

I wanted to let you know the hybrid cat series will continue. As I research, I thought it would be a good idea to explore other exotic pets as well. This is why I have started the ferret series. Since it is the third most popular pet, I felt it was a subject that should be explored with greater profundity than the few articles I had written in the past.

New weekly article!
Ferret Training
Training ferrets is easy when you are patient and consistent, from teaching ferret’s tricks, biting, and litter box training, to everything else. This is part of the continuing series on pet ferrets! Ferret training can be simple! http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art170599.asp

Please visit exoticpets.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Exotic Pets.

Follow Exotic Pets BellaOnline on Facebook for the latest information on exotic pets. You can also join me as a neighbor on Cityville, Frontierville, Farmville, or Zoo World :) http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1377691251

Follow Exotic Pets BellaOnline on Twitter! http://twitter.com/petsbellaonline

Brand New be the first to follow on Blogger - http://exoticpetsbellaonline.blogspot.com/ In fact, so new I am not really sure of the correct URL, if I am wrong perhaps someone can correct me.

If you have a comment about this article, if you have a question, or just want to say hello and get to know other pet owners, stop by!

If you would like to support Exotic Pets BellaOnline you can follow ANY of my Amazon links, once there purchase any item you want at Amazon and I will get credit. If you have a purchase you were planning to make anyway, consider purchasing through my link at Amazon, be it a birthday, household item you may need, a book, electronic device, pet items, or the millions of other products Amazon has to offer.

The stores in the town I live in stopped carrying my favorite spice, lemon herb (not lemon pepper), believe it or not I found it at Amazon in huge containers, and I bought three. I love it on not only fish but on broccoli and a number of other things. The price was incredible too. Amazon has a 24 hour cookie, so if you follow my link, and decide to think about your purchase for a while, please go back to one of my articles to make your final purchase. Because of requests, on the Exotic Pets BellaOnline main page http://exoticpets.bellaonline.com/Site.asp you will see subjects to the left of features; I put in a couple of convenient Amazon links to get you there without searching. This will get you to Amazon using one of my links http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/9696.asp

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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