exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

July 6 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

I happened to see a program about parasites and really felt it was important for you to know about this villain, so thought I'd share the information in an article. Also look below that link and come look at the rabbit watching the parade this weekend. It is so cute.

Roundworms - Fatal to Humans
Have you thought about parasites, worms that can invade your brain causing blindness, paralysis, and even potential death? Many animals can be host to this deadly roundworm – the raccoon roundworm. Your dog, your child, birds, and many mammals can all be a host to this deadly parasite.


Would you believe, when we were watching the 4th of July Day parade this weekend from our porch (yes we’re lucky, right by the house) I caught a young rabbit watching the parade. This little fellow never took his eyes off the parade. When it was over he looked so disappointed. Stop by and see a picture. http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/forums/100/1/Exotic_Pets

What unusual things have you seen animals do, that makes you think they are a whole lot smarter than humans ever gave them credit? Please post under the rabbit picture.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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