Greetings to all folks near and far.
My latest article is a story I wrote about the "Cry Of A Banshee". Come and read about it at the following link:
"In a little village in Ireland, in ancient times, there lived one of the High Families of the land. The Lord was away in battlefields far off, keeping the enemy from his lands. All was peaceful and quiet till one night they heard what they all had feared, it was the cry of a banshee -- the 'bean sidhe' was in mourning."
I love feedback, so feel free to send me any comments on the article. You can also join me in the forum to leave comments about this article or any other topic on Folklore and Mythology. Forums at BellaOnline are a great place to meet others with the same interests you have, to chat, share information, play games, and just relax for spell, away from the daily grind.
'Hast thou heard the Banshee at morn,
Passing by the silent lake,
Or walking the fields by the orchard?
Alas! that I do not rather behold
White garlands in the hall of my fathers.'
- An old Irish phrase
I recall when my siblings and I were young that we loved to play out in the yard late on summer evenings. We lived in a rural area where the houses were far apart, very few street lights and some pretty dark places in the yard where we would hide and jump out to scare each other. Sometimes we got awfully loud with screaming and laughing so hard. Dad would step out on the porch and yell, "Quiet down! You sound like a bunch of banshees out there." That always made us look around in fear at the dark shadows, and one by one we would mosey on in to the comfort of the house.
From the Front Porch:
Granpappy sat his Jack-O'-Lantern out on the porch last night. He was so proud of that pumpkin he carved!
The bear et it.
Now Granpappy is gonna rip and tear a new one! Ol' Molly cross the holler told me to just "jest take one day at a time - he will calm down and stabilize when he comes back from up the hill."
Molly otta know what she's talkin' bout -- she's been around a long time. Why - she's been around since heck was a pup.
Till next time, may your home be filled with laughter and may it ring from floor to rafter.
May you walk in Beauty and Harmony.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Phyllis Doyle Burns, Folklore and Mythology Editor
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