Greetings to all folks near and far. I wish you all a very peaceful and blessed holiday season this winter. Keep warm and keep the fires lit.
Old time Christmas foods have a long history of tradition and lore. The original recipes kept women in the kitchen for days on end to get every recipe made to perfection. Today's cooks, women or men, do not have as much time to cook, but, there are still ways to bring a touch of nostalgia into the home during the winter holidays.
If you have a special recipe for your holiday, regardless of which holiday you observe, I would love to have you share it in the forum.
Here is my latest article from the Folklore and Mythology site at
Christmas Pudding - Tradition and Lore
Making good old time Christmas foods is much easier today than it was in the distant past. To make an old favorite, like Christmas Pudding, one can bring back a feeling of nostalgia with the tried and true original method.
My next article will be the traditional recipe that takes two days to make, then I will give you a recipe for Christmas Pudding that does not take so long. I hope you join me in my forum to discuss this and upcoming articles on the holiday season. I look forward to meeting you.
Till next time, blessings to you and yours and may you walk in peace and harmony.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Phyllis Doyle Burns, Folklore and Mythology Editor
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