Greetings to all folks near and far.
Summer is winding down and kids are going back to school. Make sure your children have what they need to start the school year out with good feelings. It gets more expensive every year to supply your children with what they need in the way of clothing and school supplies. Here is a site that gives helpful information for those in need of financial assistance:
This site is for Connecticut. Check your local area for sites close to you.
My latest article is one close to my heart. It is about Mt. Rainier in my birth home of the Pacific Northwest.
West of the Cascade Mountains stands Mt. Rainier, beautiful, majestic, looming over all the land. She is in a beautiful setting where oceanic waters are fascinating to watch -- peaceful and serene in some areas yet wild and treacherous in others. Here coastal rock formations provide natural caves and
areas to explore. The 14,411 foot high pyramid shaped mountain has stood sentinel for over 500,000 years to watch over the entire scenic view.
I hope you enjoy the article. Remember, I always welcome feedback.
The Burning Man event in Nevada's Black Rock Desert drew a crowd of over 50,000 this year. At up to $360.00 per person, that is a lot of money coming in for what is now a not-for-profit event. This year's event theme was titled:
The Man 2011
2011 Art Theme: Rites of Passage
"There are moments of crisis and frisson in our lives which inform us that we've somehow crossed an inner threshold and are changed. Thus moving from one state of being into an unknown other obliges us to face our innermost insecurities, and it requires faith, a willingness to leap off the ladder of ordered existence. Our theme this year invites participants to join with others in creating rites of passage."
For more information, visit the web site at
I love poetry. The passion of great poets can really play with my emotions and leave me wanting for more words from their quills. My newest favorite poet is VINCENT MOORE, a poet who touches my soul and tugs at my heart with his words. His book, IN ABSYNTHIA, is full of his poems that come from the deepest part of his soul, from his own life experiences, and his heart. Vincent is passionate about life, and passionate about his writing. Catch up to this poet and hang on tight, for he will take you to places you have never been before. Let your emotions run free as you take on his poetry. You can read his book at:
The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole life-time, if not asked to lend money.
- Mark Twain
Have a great day. May your home be filled with laughter and may it ring from floor to rafter.
Blessings to you and yours. May you walk in peace and harmony.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Phyllis Doyle Burns, Folklore and Mythology Editor
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