indianculture Newsletter

Indian Culture

October 24 2012 Indian Culture Newsletter


India is gearing up for another season of celebration with the best of Indian festivals lined up over the next few months. The first of these is the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Adah or Bakrid as it is commonly called in India. What is Bakrid all about and how do our Muslim friends celebrate? Find out in this week’s update and enjoy!

Is there any peculiar custom you observe or have seen others observe about Bakrid? Chime in and get the ball rolling with your views. Now for this week’s article!

Eid al-Adah or Bakrid in India

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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Preena Deepak, Indian Culture Editor

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Here's an interesting book for further reading on Islamic traditions

Buy "Understanding Islam And Muslim Traditions: An Introduction to the Religious Practices, Celebrations, Festivals, Observances, Beliefs, Folklore, ... World's Musli (Holidays, Religion & Cultures)" from

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