jobsearch Newsletter

Job Search

January 10 2013 Job Search Newsletter

Job Quest Success

Quote of the week:

“Luck enters into every contingency. You are a fool if you forget it and a greater fool if you count upon it.” ~ Phyllis Bottome


Today’s job search website:
Looking for a government job?


Tip of the week: Did you know that over half of the available jobs are not advertised. It’s all in who you know. If you’re shy, get out of your comfort zone to network and explore the “hidden job market”.


What’s going on around BellaOnline?

Looking to expand your education? Can’t make it to classes? Distance learning is for you!

Are you “organizationally challenged”? Do you have trouble finding where to put things – then remembering where they are? Check out BellaOnline’s Organization Site.


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Here's the latest article from the Job Search site at

Why Does it Take So Long To Get a Job Offer?

You applied and interviewed for the job weeks ago. The hiring manager said they would call in a week. Why haven’t you heard anything yet? What’s taking so long? Before you become a stalker, find out what happens behind the scenes of a job offer.


Please visit for even more great content about Job Search.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message.

Have fun passing this newsletter along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Dianne Walker

Career Training Editor

Job Search Editor
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