lowcarb Newsletter

Low Carb

February 1 2012 Low Carb Newsletter

Greetings and salutations everyone!

I hope you had a fantastic January. Often January is full of resolutions to make wild changes. These high goals can be hard to sustain. I recommend working towards smaller goals and celebrating their success.

One great goal is to get more cilantro into your diet. Especially if you still have mercury (silver) fillings in your mouth, cilantro is shown to help cleanse your body of heavy metals. Always a good thing!

Coriander / Cilantro
Coriander and cilantro are the same plant! In the US the leaves are called cilantro, which is the Spanish name for the planet. In most of the world, both leaves and seeds are called coriander in English.


Do you have your personalized Weight Milestone sign? Whatever weight you are, aim to lose just 5 pounds for now. Focus on that short term goal. When you get there, we can cheer your success! Here is the link to my collection of free signs - download and enjoy!


If you haven't gotten a copy of my Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes ebook for your Kindle, here's the link! It's only 99 cents :)


I'd love to hear feedback on it!

Come on by the forums and let me know how you're doing with your 2012 goals! If you prefer Facebook, we're on there too -


Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Lisa Shea, Low Carb Editor

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