lowcarb Newsletter

Low Carb

September 23 2007 Low Carb Newsletter

Fall is coming, which means it's crock pot season! Crock pots are great for simple yummy meals. You toss in the ingredients in the morning, and when you get home at night your meal is waiting for you!

Pot Roast Crock Pot Recipe
Pot Roast is a great food that you can prepare in the morning and enjoy in the evening! Not only does it taste delicious, but it fills the house with scrumptious aromas that really are quite nice. This recipe uses a crock pot for super easy cooking.


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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Lisa Shea, Low Carb Editor

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