math Newsletter


August 21 2006 Math Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Math site at

Archimedes Palimpsest
Scientist and Scholars have been working diligently at deciphering the text of the Archimedes Palmpsest which contain writings that date back to the 10th century. Includes a link to online photos and deciphered text.

*********** Newsletter Math Puzzle ***************
Put your thinking caps on and try to solve this puzzle:

On a piece of paper draw a 3x4 grid. 3 being the number of rows and 4 being the number of columns. Blacken out the four corners so the resulting grid has from left to right: 1 box, 3 boxes, 3 boxes, 1 box.

Similar to this:

---- ----
* * *
---- ---- ---- ----
* * * * *
---- ---- ---- ----
* * *
---- ----

Now put the number 1-8 in the boxes, using each number only once, and do so in a way that no consecutive numbers are touching each other horizontally, verically or diagonally. For example, if I put the number 5 in the far left box then the numbers 6 and 4 can not be in any of the 3 boxes in the second column. Good luck and enjoy!


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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Amy Daniels, Math Editor

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