Here's the latest article from the Midlife site at
Midlife, Idiots and Idiosyncracies
At midlife, changing priorities; cleaning "house" to make way for a new way of living; looking inward; evolving; intolerant of rudeness and pettiness; letting go of relationships that don´t work...
Please visit for even more great content about Midlife. Don't forget to check out my articles on spouses or partners who have affairs and what I have to say about it - these are my most visited articles - and I always have something to say -- about everything and anything!!
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because Knowledge IS Power - so please empower yourself!
Feel free to drop me a line at my 'Midlife' site....hope to see you there soon!
Kathie LoMonaco, Midlife Editor
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