Welcome to the Movie Mistakes Newsletter! For the upcoming month my theme will be Comic Heroes.
My name is Terry L Kosse and I am the new Movie Mistakes Editor and I just wanted to say hi, and welcome to my monthly Newsletter!
The movies I am going to cover this month are; Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 3, and Iron Man.
Batman Begins - I never was a big fan of the Batman movies but I am a huge Christian Bale fan, so I decided to give it a try. Was I glad I did? You bet! He portrays a kind of batman that is truly believable. From the troubles he goes through as a young man who has lost his parents to the ever skilled and talented, Caped Crusader. Non-stop action and very likable characters, such as, Morgan Freeman who plays, Lucius Fox, and Michael Cane who plays Alfred Pennyworth. If you have never watched a Batman movie before give this one a try and you won’t be disappointed. Warner Brothers, Directed by, Christopher Nolan, Rated PG-13 140 minutes.
The Dark Knight - This is a continuation from where Batman Begins leaves off. This time Batman goes up against the Joker. The Joker is played by the late Heath Ledger and he does indeed give us an Oscar winning performance. If I had not known it was Mr. Ledger under the makeup I might not have realized it for quite sometime, if ever. From his voice to his mannerisms nothing he does gives you a clue to whom the actor is underneath. Taking you through the down town tunnels in the high speed chase to locking the Joker in a jail cell with the ever formidable Batman, the fight sequences are truly realistic. If you liked the first Batman you’re going to love this sequel. Warner Brothers, Directed by Christopher Nolan, Rated PG-13 153 minutes.
Spider-Man 3 - This was my favorite of all the Spider-Man movies. In this, we get to see Spider-Man, played by Toby McGuire, go up against the villainous Venom, played by Topher Grace. He also gets to battle it out with the deadly Sandman, played by Thomas Haden Church; together they make an almost unstoppable team against poor young Peter. With the aid of Peter’s on again off again friend Harry Osborn, played by James Franco, also known as the New Goblin, they fight side by side making a wonderful team fighting off the villains. A must see for any Spider-Man fan. Sony Pictures, Directed by Sam Raimi, Rated PG-13 139 minutes.
Iron Man – Not knowing what to expect from this movie, I had no expectations. Wow, was I surprised! This movie was truly a treat. Giving credit where credit is due, Robert Downey Jr. as the Iron Man does surprisingly well. A lonely, troubled young man, he finds his life’s call, saving the unfortunate and does so with great fortitude. Lucky for him he has friends in high places to help cover up who he actually is until the very end. If you haven’t seen this movie give it a try and you just might be as surprised as I was. Paramount Pictures, Directed by Jon Favreau, Rated PG-13 125 minutes
Quote of the month: Alfred Pennyworth: You crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them. And in their desperation they turned to a man they didn’t fully understand. Some men aren’t looking for anything logical. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn. Taken from The Dark Knight Warner Brothers Pictures 2008
Answers to the posted Trivia Question;
In the movie Marie Antoinette, staring Kirsten Dunst, the song “I Want Candy” is played. During this song, as they continue to celebrate, she tries on many articles of clothing. As it shows her closet, what modern day form of apparel is out of place?
In her closet you will notice a pair of powder blue high top sneakers.