nursing Newsletter


February 16 2012 Nursing Newsletter

Greetings to my fellow nurses, have loved ones who are nurses, and those interested in nursing!

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Lorraine Hover and I am the new, and still in-training Nursing Editor. I am so excited to be a part of BellaOnline and a part of your view on nursing. If you would like to see an article or topic covered, please let me know. This is YOUR site and I want to make it the best Nursing resource site you can find. I can only do that with YOUR help and YOUR input. Let me know what topics are important to you so I can gear the site to what you need and want to be a better nurse.

I have been a nurse since 1985 and have seen many changes in nursing, some good, some not so good. No one can say that nursing is boring or routine, we all know its anything but. Whether you are thinking of choosing nursing as a career, are a nursing student, just became a nurse, or have been doing it for decades, we all bring with us unique experiences, and it is our diversity which makes nursing strong, unique, and the only profession which bridges the art and science to care for those in need. It is also that diversity and experience which we need to use to foster and nurture nursing students and brand new nurses.

I currently have two of my own authored articles on the site, but there are many wonderful articles from guest authors for you to search and enjoy. I will be publishing weekly articles based on input from you and from my own perspective of nursing.

Here's the most recent article from the Nursing site at

Nursing Ethics
Providing quality care means abiding by nursing ethical standards as set forth in the Code of Ethics and the Nightingale Pledge. Reviewing these guidelines and performing self-examination helps prepare nurses for daily ethical decision-making.

Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Nursing located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback! As I said, this is YOUR site and whatever I can do to help make it a better site, a better resource, a great place to discuss nursing issues, please let me know.

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge.

Lorraine Hover, Nursing Editor

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