nursing Newsletter


February 23 2012 Nursing Newsletter

Greetings and welcome to this week’s Nursing Newsletter.

I am so happy you are a part of the BellaOnline Nursing Family. YOU are the most important person here!

Favorite Nursing Quotes:

What is your favorite nursing quote? Mine is:

Nurses’ hands do God's work here on Earth.

I love this quote because it shows, to me, that what we do as nurses, as we touch lives at their very best and their very worst, we transcend what we do physically. What we do is far greater than the sum of our actions. We are able to comfort, nurture, calm, encourage, teach, welcome new life into the world, and pave a gentle path as life leaves this world. We impact lives, we make a difference, and I am honored to be a part of the nursing profession with you. The meaning of a kind word, a gentle touch, or simply providing dignity by showing respect, cannot be over-estimated. Those actions make nurses unique, and situate us as champion and advocate for those we care for.

Please share your favorite quotes and I will include them in upcoming newsletters.

Reader Input Needed!

I need YOUR help. I am trying to choose a consistent day of the week to post my weekly articles and send out the newsletter. What do you think? Do you have any thoughts or ideas on which day would be best to receive your newsletter or notification of a new article?

Please let me know, I value your thoughts and opinions.

New Articles:

Change is inevitable and we need to embrace it in both our personal and professional lives. The latest article from the Nursing site at is about Kurt Lewin's Change Theory, unfreezing-change-refreezing. The theory lends itself to all aspects of our personal and professional lives. Come and explore the three-step process of unfreezing-change-refreezing to plan, implement, and make permanent change for quality outcomes.

Another fairly recent addition is an article on using research to implement evidence based practices. The article using a unit based scenario to help you walk through how you can do unit based research and make evidence-based recommendations to improve patient outcomes.

Weekly Hints or Tips:

I have come to regularly use the website for quality health care related research, peer-reviewed articles. Signing up is free!

The URL is:

Final Thoughts:

As I said last week, this is YOUR site and I am honored to be able to coordinate it for you. Please let me know the topics you want to see on YOUR Nursing Site.

Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, the Nursing Forum is for you!

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message.

I depend on and need your feedback!


Lorraine Hover, MSN, BA, RN
Nursing Editor

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