nursing Newsletter

February 9 2011 Nursing Newsletter
Trying to decide and discuss with family members what our wishes would be at end of life care can be very difficult. It is sometimes very painful for our loved one to even think about. More painful would be to have no plan in place and then leave the total burden on others in a crisis situation.
It is a gesture of love to plan end of life care and code status so family can make decisions based on the known wishes of their loved one.
Please take the time to contact someone who specializes in end of life care and living wills. Even though it is uncomfortable to do, most people feel a since of peace and comfort.
Also, everyone should have a copy of their medications and code status on their refrigerator,in their wallet or purse, for emergency personnel to find necessary information for emergent treatment and care.
On a lighter note, I hope everyone is looking forward to Valentines Day and spending happy and wonderful moments with the ones they love the most! Remember to give heart healthy dark chocolate !!!!
Here's the latest article from the Nursing site at
Understanding Code Status in Geriatrics
Knowing the difference between DNR and DNT orders and how they can impact the geriatric population.
Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Cheryl Pombriant, R.N., Nursing Editor
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