Well another month down and we are heading into spring. I hope everyone is staying healthy and happy.
I hope everyone had a chance to read the article on teaching CPR to the layperson. CPR is something everyone should at least have the basic skill sets to use if needed. It is a wonderful thing to save a life.
Also a passion of mine is end of life care and comfort. Great things are happening in health care regarding this issue. Nurses will play a strong and courageous role in providing education, comfort, and empathy to those who will need it.
Here's the latest article from the Nursing site at
Discussing End of Life Care
Nurses and physicians are discussing end of life care treatments, outcomes, and decisions early after diagnosis, allowing patients time to plan for their future needs.
Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Cheryl Pombriant, R.N., Nursing Editor
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