nursing Newsletter


March 30 2012 Nursing Newsletter

Greetings to all Nurses and those who love nursing and care about nurses,

Can you believe how fast time flies? I was just commenting to a friend of mine that we just did Christmas and now we're ready for Easter! Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be upon us!

As the weather warms up and spring and summer are ready to be upon us, remember to be safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Many of you are preparing for graduation for your yourself or someone you love. As you prepare to celebrate such wonderful times, take time to reflect back on the journey and not only appreciate the end of the journey but appreciate where you were, all you have been through and where and what you have become through your classes and many experiences. Remember, to truly appreciate the arrival, we must appreciate the journey!

This week's article is on one of our most basic yet essential skills in preventing infection - hand hygiene. Sometimes we forget in this fast-past, technologically advanced world that simplest can be best. Remembering to wash our hands properly and use hand gels properly will help prevent nearly all infections carried on our hands; preventing infection in our patients, our colleagues, our families and ourselves.

Here's the latest article from the Nursing site at

Hand Hygiene
What is the least expensive, fastest and most effective means to control infection? Washing your hands! The term hand hygiene refers to all manners of keeping hands clean and limiting the cross-contamination between patients and health care workers. But there are important points to remember.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Lorraine Hover, Nursing Editor

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