nursing Newsletter


May 2 2012 Nursing Newsletter

Greetings Fellow Nurses and those who love nursing and who love and support nurses in their lives!

It has been an interesting few weeks and filled with many events - including several trips to the dentist. One thing I would recommend to all of you is to care for your teeth. Research finds a big connection between oral health and our overall health, especially heart health! So, even if you are a bit afraid of the dentist (like I am), its worth it twice a year to see your dentist and have that all important check up and cleaning. The old saying, a stitch in time saves nine" is appropriate - prevention is always less expensive and less time consuming than trying to fix it once broken. And that is true for all of our health care needs.

This week's article spotlights searching for a first or new employer. Finding the right employer is essential to professional growth and satisfaction. Many of us may be tempted to just put out applications and hope someone calls us back, however, we should take time to ensure that the facility is going to be in line with who we are as a person and as a nurse. There are several links in the article for websites which will help you find that "just right" employer. Good luck to all who are on a job search - especially with graduation just around the corner, finding that first job in nursing may well be under way.

Here's the latest article from the Nursing site at

Finding Quality Employers
Spending a little time checking into potential employers can lead you to a long and fulfilling professional affiliation. Just as employers check out potential employees, employees should take time to check out potential employers. Come and learn a few tips on where to find important information.

Please visit for even more great content about Nursing.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Nursing located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Thank you to everyone who reads the articles. I value your opinions and would love to hear from you about any ideas for articles and any thoughts you might have regarding topics for discussion in our forum!

And to those graduating in the coming weeks and joining the ranks of professional nursing - Congratulations! We welcome you to an amazing profession and look forward to the positive impact you will have on those you care for and those you work with.

Lorraine Hover, Nursing Editor

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