philosophy Newsletter


May 27 2007 Philosophy Newsletter

Dear All

Just to let you know that two new articles have been posted on the BellaOnline Philosophy site since the last newsletter.

Both these articles continue the introduction to Logic and can be found by following the links below. Over the next week or two I will be starting a new topic, Meditations on First Philosophy by the French Philosopher Rene Descartes, and my plan for the next couple of months is to alternate between articles on Descartes and articles on Logic.

Conjunction and Disjunction
Have you ever thought to yourself - you know, I could probably solve all the problems of Philosophy if I just knew big words for "and" & "or"?

The Invalid Argument Form - if P then Q, not-P therefore not-Q.
If Socrates is a man then Socrates is mortal. But what if Socrates isn't a man? Can we conclude that therefore Socrates isn't mortal?

If you have any questions arising from the articles or if you're interested
in discussions about any other matters philosophical you can visit the
Philosophy Discussion Forum at

Feel free to pass on this newsletter to anyone you think might be
interested and I hope to meet you in the Forum sometime or hear from you
via the comments box on my bio page.

All the best,

Chik J Duncan, Philosophy Editor

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