Dear All
It's taken me a bit longer than expected to get the Philosophy site organised behind the scenes so you might have noticed that there hasn't been much in the way of new content recently. I think these difficulties have largely been resolved now and from here on in I aim to post one new article each week and send out a newsletter every two weeks.
This week's article continues the introduction to Logic and can be found by following the link below:
The Valid Argument Form - if P then Q, not-Q therefore not-P.
Introducing negation into our arguments can throw up some surprising and amusing problems. Consider: If Socrates is a man then Socrates is mortal. Socrates is not mortal therefore Socrates is not a man.
If you have any questions arising from the article or if you're interested in discussions about any other matters philosophical you can visit the Philosophy Discussion Forum at .
Feel free to pass on this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested and I hope to meet you in the Forum sometime or hear from you via the comments box on my bio page.
Chik J Duncan, Philosophy Editor
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