Hello to All Of You!
The article, promoted in today's Newsletter will surely be interesting for those who love legends and stories that Poland is full of. One tells about the dragon that used to live in a cave under the Wawel castle of Krakow. The legend is also connected with legendary king - Krak - and his daughter - Wanda.
I hope you will enjoy it! And if you have kids, be sure that they are going to love it! Not long ago, I told the story to entertain the 4 kids I was babysitting and they were listening to the story VERY carefully. So have a great time reading!
The legend about Krakow dragon
The legends are the most popular information for tourists visiting a given city. Poland, as most of the countries, has its own legends, as well as its own dragon. The story of Wawel Dragon and shoemaker Skuba is known all around Poland.
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Thank you very much for posting the link to Polish Culture site! If you know more people interested in Polish culture, you are mostly welcome to inform them about the BellaOnline site.
Barbara Swiech, Polish Culture Editor