Dear Polish Culture Readers,
Eventually the sun is shining over Poland. After the rainy month, that brought floods around the country, we eventually have great weather! I do not even check the forecast just to make sure that I do not hear about rain again:)
For those, however, who despite good or bad weather conditions, prefer to stay at home and read, I am offering article on one of Polish heroes of non-Polish origin. It is hard to believe that some time ago nationality did not play such a great role. Janosik, although born as Slovak, is popular in Polish songs, literature and legends.
Janosik, Slavic Robin Hood
Life and legend of this Slovak highwayman is similar to Robin Hood’s. Although Janosik was Slovak, his activity on Polish land made him popular around the country. He was captured and executed at the end of 25, after he had refused to betray his companions.
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I wish you all a great time and wonderul weather, as summer is approaching us!
Barbara Swiech, Polish Culture Editor
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