Dearest Readers,
Those who are at least a little bit interested in Polish history will know, that one of the most important and powerful dynasties (if not the most) was Jagiellonian. And it all began with a Lithuanian prince who married Hungarian princess with Polish roots... well, actually it did not go so easy, and they did not live happily ever after but if you want to learn more, I encourage you to read the latest article on Jagiello.
As there will be beatification of priest Jerzy Popieluszko taking place in Warsaw on Sunday, the next article that you will soon find on Polish Culture BellaOnline website, will tell the story of this exceptional man. As for now, you are welcome to get to know Wladyslaw Jagiello, ruler of Polish and Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Jagiello, Lithuanian king of Poland
Ladislau Jagiello was a strong king who started to rule the country thanks to his marriage to female heir of Polish throne. After the death of his spouse he was married 3 more times and kept the throne for his sons. He founded Jagiellonian dynasty that ruled Poland and gained influence in Europe.
On you will find all the articles written by me during almost 2 years.
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I wish you all the best and a lot of sunshine, especially that Poland is in need for sunshine in the recent times! Luckilly, it stopped raining in most parts of Poland!
Barbara Swiech, Polish Culture Editor
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