polishculture Newsletter
June 6 2009 Polish Culture Newsletter
Welcome or I should maybe say welcome again...
I owe a big apology to those that were waiting for the last weeks for the newsletter. Unfortunately to some serious personal issues I was not in power to write it and send it to you. I even sat down couple of times to produce one... but it seemed all in vain.
But at least I hope that some of you noticed this terrible absence of mine. I even hope that some of you missed it (or me).
To cut it short, without getting you bored, I would like to introduce a new article. The text is about meals, but it does not give a fixed recipe but features some of very popular Polish dishes. What is unique about them... they are all sweet. Spaghetti with cottage cheese and sugar may be thought to be the disgrace by Italian, but for Poles it is just another meal of the day. To add more... my brother adores sweet dishes! It is said here in Poland, that the man does not consider the meal to be the main dish if that does not consist of meat. In my brothers case, that saying does not work...SO HERE IT IS:
Polish sweet main dishes
Sweetness may be associated with dessert. However, there is in Poland a great variety of sweet dishes that the Poles treat as the main meal of the day. In this article you may find some examples of Polish sweet cuisine.
As I missed some of the articles that should be advertised in the previous mailings, I decided to add them in the next few mailings (just in case if you missed any). From the older to the newer ones... here is one of them:
Kazimierz, Jewish district of Krakow
Jewish quarter is one of the most popular parts of Krakow, among the locals and the tourists. The heritage, cosy cafes and restaurants offering live music add to the popularity of the district. Recommended to every visitor of Krakow.
You can read more at Polish Culture site at BellaOnline.com.
Take active part in discussions at Polish Culture Forum. I will soon get back to it too!
Feel free to forward the Newsletter to whomever you feel like! I am sure there are many other people interested in Polish Culture out there!
All the best and have a great Sunday!
Barbara Swiech, Polish Culture Editor
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