One more time hello to you All!!!
As every child loves legends, they are often passed on by our parents, grandparents or teachers. They most of the time concern magic powers or miraculous events that took place sometime and somewhere. We are usually told those about kings and princesses or bad characters whose ghosts scare now in old Medieval castles. Here you can, however, read a story of a man who actually sold his soul to devil. But he was after all not a bad character. He just believed he is smarter than the evil and will keep both - offered goods and the soul.
As I still have small child inside me, I still like such stories. And I certainly hope you like them too!
The legend of Pan Twardowski
Magicians are very often characters of folklore tales and believes. Pan Twardowski is a Polish legendary sorcerer who is believed to have outwitted the devil. His person, most probably based on real individual, inspired numerous poets and novelists.
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All the best and a lot of fun reading!
Barbara Swiech, Polish Culture Editor
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