postcollege Newsletter

Post College

July 14 2006 Post College Newsletter

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic summer. There have
been two main issues that have come up from readers this week: cover
letters and relocation issues. If these topics are of interest to you,
you'll want to check out our website and forum this week.

Here's the latest article from the Post College site at

Cover Letter Tips
Cover letters are more important than most candidates realize. These
simple tips can help you to write a more effective cover letter.


Elsewhere on BellaOnline:

Catching an Employer's Attention

Career Tip of the Week:
Did you get a rejection letter this week? Take the "high road", and thank
the employer for notifying you about their decision. What?!? Yes, that's
right. Send them a nice message, thanking them for notifying you of their
decision, and letting them know that you still hold their company in high
regard and that you hope you'll be notified if another position becomes
available in the near future. Trust me, this is a RARE thing for
candidates to do, and it will truly make you stand out. You never
know...maybe the person they hired for "your" job will decide to do
something else instead. Or, maybe the hiring manager will refer your
application file to a colleague that is trying to hire someone. It's
happened! I've seen many people get recruited for jobs this way. Take
the high road, and show a potential employer how truly professional you
really are.

Please visit for even more great content about
Post College. To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site
has a community forum all about Post College located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response
to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all
love free knowledge!

Kristy Jackson, Post College Editor

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