prolife Newsletter


January 28 2008 Pro-Life Newsletter

Here at BellaOnline, we have a unique opportunity to voice our true opinions, even if they are controversial. As “the voice of women” on the web, we are encouraged to tell it like it is and how we, as unique individuals, see it.

Writing about the pro-life movement is controversial, by nature. Someone will always disagree with me, and my job is not to pacify everyone and bring unity. My number one goal writing on this topic is to see the end of abortion. In doing so, I have walked a fine line of providing resources while allowing my personal feelings and beliefs to enter my writing only on very rare occasions.

To some I have done a service, by providing neutral pro-life information and news. To others though, I feel I have done a disservice by not fully disclosing my convictions.

I have never shied away from a fight with the pro-choice movement. What I’ve written has apparently struck a sensitive chord, because I have gotten a fair share of hate mail from those who want to keep abortion legal. But I must admit, I haven’t approached this battle with the full extent of my knowledge.

You see, many students have written to me, thanking me for taking a stand on abortion. Sadly, most of these wonderful young people tell me that when they take their own stand against abortion, they are utterly alone. Family members disagree with them, fellow classmates sometimes mock them, and teachers don’t support their pro-life stance.

For the sake of neutrality, I have given mainly facts and figures on this site, while I have largely ignored the spiritual aspect of abortion. I’ve avoided ruffling feathers with any “Christian talk,” but here are all these brave young people writing to me, telling me of the ridicule they suffered at the hands of loved ones and “friends” because of their convictions. I’m ashamed that I haven’t stepped up and educated the public fully on the whole picture of abortion, and what I believe to be the number one strategy in outlawing it.

So here’s my full disclosure and a promise to you, my readers.

I’m a born-again Christian and have been for years. I do believe that with God being systematically removed from our culture, our society is going in a very bad direction. Abortion is a huge part of that downward spiral. Our refusal as a nation to recognize God’s miraculous creation (babies), combined with the addiction to money (the abortion industry’s huge profit margins), power (pro-abortion politicians, lobbyists, and activists), pleasure (the need to have risky, oft-times premarital sex), and lack of responsibility (the unwillingness to step up and care for the life created) is a key point in culture’s moral and ethical decline. I believe that these men and women, as well as the abortion industry as a whole, need Jesus.

I promise to really tell it like I see it from now on. I will continue to give scientific facts, well-researched studies, and the like, but I will also give the spiritual aspect of this situation. I won’t beat you over the head with the Bible, but I will never again water down who I am or what I truly believe in.

As an important side note that I have repeated for quite some time now, I do not endorse violence as an abortion protest method. It bears repeating that Christians would never, ever approve of or be involved in abortion clinic violence – the life of an abortion provider is no less valuable than the life of the child they are killing.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen; I hope this falls on receptive hearts.


Rebecca Orczeck, Pro-Life Editor

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