Hello, romance fans. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and that it's not too hot or humid where you live. Are you currently lining up your summer reading? Consider this gorgeously written romance suitable for young adult readers and older romance fans. It is traditional (MF) and historical:
Grave Mercy Review
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers is set in medieval Brittany and features Ismae, a seventeen year-old peasant girl turned assassin who must pose as the mistress of principled knight Duvall in a secretive land of supernatural visions and imminent invasion by the hated French.
Please drop by the free, community forum to tell us what great romances (traditional or LGBT) you've read, or even what you're reading outside the romance genre. I treat the forum as a blog, so all my random book thoughts go here in the Romance Novels forum:
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Also, romance authors, please feel free to take advantage of the high forum traffic and promote your book blurb here:
PROMO thread for traditional romance books: http://preview.tinyurl.com/m7g3va9
PROMO thread for LGBT romance books: http://preview.tinyurl.com/osnjg6e
Val Kovalin, Romance Novels Editor
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