For the writers among us, a couple of contests you may find of interest....Stella Cameron's annual Scarlet Boa kicks off soon, and this year's theme is Confrontation. You can find more details here. And Harper Collins has a new contest as well, with details here. If you enter either, good luck!
Over in the forum, we're deciding what sort of book our August Book Club selection should be. If you haven't registered yet to participate in forum discussions, hurry on over. You do need to be registered to take part in all the discussions, not to mention book giveaways and chats with other readers.
I've dug into the August romance releases, and have several new reviews up already: When Someone Loves You, Viva Las Bad Boys!, and The Cowboy. I'm working on some paranormal reads for review next week, and have some historicals and more contemporaries as well before we reach the end of the August romances.
Until next time, happy reading and writing!
Elizabeth, Romance Novels Host
Worthyread summer deals ($1 for any 6 books)
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