An Eye on Vision Issues
Editor - Dean Ingalls
Volume 1 Issues 4
January: 22 - 29
I. Education, Training, Employment Issues:
A Gallup Poll asking a group the question: “What disability and/or disease would they least like to have” produced the following list in order.
2. Blindness
3. Heart disease
The poll also revealed blindness was more feared than heart disease. The attitude of fear about blindness has affected employment opportunities because employers share the attitude of fear. The fear attitude results in a lower number of people with a visual disability obtaining a job. As a community, visually impaired/blind individuals must take every opportunity to educate sighted individuals on living with blindness.
II. Health/medical Issue:
Safety when traveling is a skill developed through practice. Checkout the new article discussing safety tips for crossing busy intersections. Click here to read the article –
III. Federal/State or Local Government Issue:
The top Government Issue today is the presidential Election. Every person facing a disability needs to study the candidates to decide who will best serve the needs of the disabled. I am interested in finding out whom you feel is the best person to be President for 2012. Please take a moment and go to the vision issues forum and choose who you want for President by taking the poll. Thanks in advance for participating.
Click here to go the forum:
IV. Visually Impaired/Blind Achiever:
A new season of the television show American Idol began last week. While I was listening to the show I was reminded of the contestant Scott MacIntyre in 2009. Scott represented the visually impaired/blind community with pride and dignity. All visually impaired individuals need to continue to work educating the sighted of the abilities of visually impaired individuals. Do you have a story? Visit the vision issues forum and tell us about your story.
V. Editor’s Notes:
A. Organization of the Week
In Illinois the largest private organization providing services for visually impaired/blind individual is the Chicago Lighthouse for the blind. Located in Chicago, Illinois the organization helps train the visually impaired for a variety of topics. I want to acknowledge the organization and applaud their high quality programs.
B. Hobby or craft:
I am interested in hobbies and crafts you find fun or entertaining. Send me an e-mail or post your story on a new forum thread titled: Fun Hobbies and Crafts.
C. Special Note:
New activities including games, quizzes and more polls are coming soon to the vision issues forum. Visit the forum and join a discussion, take a quiz, or complete a poll or participate in a discussion by telling your story.
Here's the latest article from the Vision Issues site at
Intersection Safety Visually Impaired Pedestrians
Crossing a street at a busy intersection is a challenge for the sighted and a gigantic task for the visually disabled. Learn safety tips and techniques obtained from years of crossing busy intersections.
Please visit for even more great content about Vision Issues.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Vision Issues located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Dean Ingalls, Vision Issues Editor
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