An Eye on Vision Issues
Volume 5, Issue 1 – Week of May 6th to 12th
Hello, Vision Issues Reader’s.
Parents with children in some areas are beginning to think about the end of school not to mention your children. Hope everyone has great plans for those who do not attend school during the summer. Congratulations to those of you graduating!!! Great job!
Employment Opportunities: Courtesy of the American foundation for the blind.
1. O&M Specialist - Cincinnati, OH
2. Information Specialist - EPA - Rochester, NY
3. Director of Philanthropy - Dallas, TX
**Special note: BellaOnline contains a Career channel. The channel contains a “Job Search” site with a host of great information and worth a visit if you are searching for employment.
The editor Dianne Walker has written a host of helpful articles. You can visit the site at:
Forum News:
Take some time to review the different threads posted in the Vision Issues forum and post your thoughts. Also, look for the Buying Visually Impaired Gifts thread and post your stories about gifts you have received. My sister and Brother-in-Law purchase a large button remote control thinking the remote would be easy to operate instead after closer inspection of the setup directions the remote was not compatible with my television and unusable. What story can you share?
This Week’s Article:
Discover helpful information for buying gifts appropriate for a visually impaired/blind individual. Remember the visually impaired/blind like and enjoy many of the same gifts a sighted person enjoys. Use the link below to go directly to the article.
Coming Next Week:
How to Deal with family Members Losing Their Vision!
Until next week – Have a great week!
Here's the latest article from the Vision Issues site at
How to Buy gifts for the Visually Impaired/Blind!
What’s the best method for purchasing a gift for a visually impaired/blind person? Buying a gift for the visually disabled sounds like an easy tasks but unforeseen obstacles prevent the purchase of certain types of gifts. Here’s help preventing the purchase of the wrong gift or a gift returned!
Please visit for even more great content about Vision Issues.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Vision Issues located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Dean Ingalls, Vision Issues Editor
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