An Eye on Vision Issues
Volume Six, Issue Two
Hello, Everyone.
School is out for most children and this is a great time to schedule a vision exam especially, if your child experienced problems learning during the school session. An undetected vision issue could be the cause of your child’s learning problem. If you or the members of your family have not had an eye exam in the past one or two years then, it is time for a check-up. Be safe now, not sorry later.
Employment Opportunities: Courtesy of the American foundation for the Blind.
1. Orientation & Mobility Specialist - Atlanta, Georgia
2. National Project Manager - #949 - Watertown, Massachusetts
3. Outside Sales Representative - Corpus Christi, TX
4. Administrative Assistant, Sales Support - Corpus Christi, TX
Forum News:
Visit the forum and post your questions, comments, suggestions about the article and living visually impaired articles or post your own story. All the readers of the forum would enjoy reading your story!
This Week’s Article:
Dining in public can offer challenges to the visually impaired that a sighted person who understands blindness can provide help that makes dining in public enjoyable for all involved. This week’s article discusses some tips and techniques for helping the sighted and visually impaired communicate during a dining event. Use the link provided to go directly to the article.
**Special note: I stated last week that I would post an article on the BARD program but ran into some research issues and not ready to post the article. The BARD program is a service that allows the visually impaired and physically handicapped to download books and magazines using a computer, Internet and digital player obtained from the National Library Service. The process for registering for the program is taking longer than expected. I hope that in the next couple of weeks the article will come together. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Coming Next Week: “All In Play” Website Review – an online gaming site designed to offer an equal playing field for the visually impaired and sighted alike when it comes to playing word, memory and card games.
Until next week – Have a great week!
Here's the latest article from the Vision Issues site at
How to Make Public Dining Enjoyable for the Blind
A blind co-worker invites you to lunch, what should you expect. Do you know how to guide a blind person? Do you help a blind person place an order? How does a blind person handle a dining situation? Do you know how to interact with a blind person during a meal? Are you expected to help? If so, how?
Please visit for even more great content about Vision Issues.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Dean Ingalls, Vision Issues Editor
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