An Eye On Vision Issues
Volume 6, Issue 3 Week of June 17th to June 23rd
Hello, Everyone.
The first day of summer is approaching fast. The temperatures in Illinois have reached the 90’s. If you live in an area that has temperature in the 90’s remember to always drink lots of water and try to stay cool. If in the bright sunlight, wear a brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes. If working in the heat dress in light colors to reflect the heat (do not wear dark or black colors). Be safe and enjoy the summertime!
Employment Opportunities: Courtesy of the American Foundation for the blind.
1. Orientation & Mobility Instructor - Rochester, NY
2. VI Teacher II - New Orleans
3. Strapper - New Orleans
Forum News:
Do you have a group you socialize with as a visually impaired person? What methods do you find successful that help you as a visually impaired person enjoy socializing with the vision impaired and sighted alike? Post your stories, comments or questions on the thread titled, “Socializing as a Visually Impaired Person.”
This Week’s Article: “All In Play” Website Review
The “All In Play” website offers a method for visually impaired and sighted alike to interact and socialize online. The site offers games that are accessible using all forms of assistive technology. The site also has e-mail, instant message, and chat room forms of communication allowing members of the site to become friends and set up games or tournaments.
Coming Next Week: BARD
The Braille and Audio Recordings Download (BARD) program of the National Library Services offers the visually impaired and physically handicapped the opportunity to download books and magazines. Next, week’s article discusses the process for downloading books from the program.
Until next week – Have a great week!
Here's the latest article from the Vision Issues site at
All In Play Website Review
Vision loss promotes isolation from others. Finding ways to socialize on an equal playing field is not easy. The website, “All In Play” offers a solution to the problem. Discover the pros and cons of the website and find out if this site is a good way for the visually impaired to socialize.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Dean Ingalls, Vision Issues Editor
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