Hello, my friend. If you remember last week's article on What is a Wiccan Sacrifice, then this article will add some more clarification.
How to Make a Wiccan Sacrifice
How can we modern Wiccans and pagans practice sacrifice while connecting with our gods and our ancestors? Through creating and offering the symbolic cakes and ale.
Meanwhile, I'm struggling to find the time to do something spiritual every day, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It occurred to me that one easy and very spiritual practice is to keep up our Book of Mirrors, which works as a personal journal as we each explore our unique path in Wicca. To help out with this, I plan to start sending you a newsletter each Wednesday that introduces a Wiccan topic for you to write about in your Book of Mirrors, if you wish. Think of it as a writing prompt. I will post my own responses in the forum, if you're curious (specific link coming this Wednesday). Here is the general forum link for now:
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I appreciate your questions and feedback. Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge! Until next newsletter, may your spiritual path be fruitful and may peace be upon you.
Ro Longstreet, Wicca Editor
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