wrestling Newsletter


August 30 2007 Wrestling Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Wrestling site at BellaOnline.com.

The Foreign Object
The use of illegal items have led to many, many controversial victories in many professional wrestling matches.


WWE Corporate has said on their website that they have suspended ten wrestlers due to the failure to comply with the Wellness Program. The names have not been released but letters have been sent to all of the superstars that effective November 1, 2007, any wrestler suspended for abuse of the wellness policy will have their names released to the public. This suspension was due to an investigation by the Albany County District Attorney's office in New York.

On the heels of this statement, WWE Corporate released their response letter to the Congressional Committee that is investigating the WWE with regards to steroid abuse and the Benoit tragedy. That letter can be read here:


In other news...

As of the writng of this newsletter, the passenger in Nick Bollea's car is in a coma in the hospital and if he dies, Nick can receive up to fifteen years in prison for vehicular manslaughter. There were also reports that Nick was racing his father, Hulk Hogan when the accident happened. However, police have ruled that out.

If anyone has been watching "Fat March" on ABC, you may have noticed a gentleman on there named Matt. Matt is Rosey of the WWE, the Hurricane's former superhero sidekick and former partner of Jamal (Umaga).

In further Benoit news, Chris's father said in a newspaper interview that his son was suffering from "diminished capacity" when he killed his family and then committed suicide. If this is found to be true, then Benoit's children from a previous marriage will inherit the estate.

In a Smackdown spoiler. look for Matt Hardy and MVP to defeat Deuce and Domino for the tag team titles on Fri. night, August 31, 2007. That's right....I said Matt Hardy and MVP.

Well, that is all I have for now. See you at the matches.

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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Vance R. Rowe, Wrestling Editor

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