artappreciation Feature Archive of Articles

Art Appreciation
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The Circus in Art - The End of an Era
Who doesn’t love a circus? Artists in the late 19th - early 20th c frequented the circus with its color and movement. Ringling Bros. farewell tour brings relief - but also sadness and nostalgia. I’ll explain.

The Effects of Rx and the Pharmacy in Art
In our society today, it is virtually impossible to escape TV ads for drugs. The re-creation of 'Pharmacies' in art began well before the drug culture of the 1960s. I’ll discuss our [art] culture’s infatuation with drugs (Rx's).

Those Suffering Persecutions Found in Art
During the Easter season, Christians around the world are reminded of Christ’s death & resurrection. Those suffering persecutions because of political or religious beliefs have been represented in art.

Contemporary Artists - Wanted Dead or Alive
You might think this a paradox - as 'contemporary' constitutes 'today'; au contraire, curators have been displaying work by living contemporary artists alongside their dead comrades. I’ll examine the possible reasons.

Nix National Endowment for Arts - Why Not?
I am an advocate of freedom of expression in the arts - but to a degree. The age-old question of 'what is art?' comes to the forefront. Do we need the NEA? I’ll discuss its rocky past and possible demise.

Hollywood Imitates Art and History
'Hollywood' conjures thoughts of glitz and glamour – movies made to entertain. I’ll explain how this center of the American entertainment industry has 'borrowed' from art and history.

Food That Inspired Art and Creativity
Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks contain a diary on health and cooking. The artists Henri Matisse and Paul Cezanne painted fruit as their subject matter. I’ll discuss art conceived with the theme of food - yum.

The Effect of the 'Grand Tour' on Art
Wealthy young men took the 'Grand Tour' of Europe from the 17th-19th c. I’ll discuss the alluring mystery behind this extraordinary adventure for the privileged that would unequivocally affect the world of art.

Famous Art : Sketches - Studies - Finished (maybe)
Are you creative? Then you can relate to the arduous task (and exhilaration) of preparing and executing a book manuscript or an art sketch – and taking it to completion. I’ll discuss those by famous artists.

Crowdfunding Saved Louvre 'Winged Victory'
One of France’s beloved national treasures is the marble statue 'Winged Victory' at the Louvre. With the public’s help - through crowdfunding - restoration of this magnificent statue was made possible. I’ll explain.

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